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No-till Sweet Corn, Pumpkin and Winter Squash after Winter Rye – Reports from 2020

At the Pinney Purdue Ag Center in northern Indiana we had plots in 2020 with no-till sweet corn, pumpkins and winter squash following a rye cover crop. As is common when adapting new planting and tillage systems, we had both challenges and successes. Check out the video presentations to see photos of the plots, and dive into the reports for more detail.

  • No-till Pumpkin and Winter Squash after Winter Rye – Report on the 2020 Trial

  • No-till Sweet Corn after Winter Rye – Report on the 2020 Trial

We also had the opportunity to do some small trials with planters, one on-farm and one at the Pinney Purdue Ag Center. For those of you adapting equipment for no-till situations, our experiences might give you some ideas. Learn more here: Case Studies in Planter Adjustments for No-till Sweet Corn and Pumpkin.

Transplanting is an option for pumpkins and squash. Our colleagues at the University of Illinois Extension do a lot of work with no-till pumpkins and often transplant. Nathan Johanning shared tips in the video Making a No-Till Transplanter Work for Vegetable Crops, and more detail in the presentation No-till Transplanter Modifications for Real World Applications.

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