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Planting 2020 Has Commenced
Whew! I certainly feel confident that everyone would agree that the last two weeks have been typical for Indiana….at least weather wise. ...
March Update from CCSI & Partners
Above: Some work-from-home scenes from our CCSI staff. CCSI Regional Teleconferences for March were held recently. The March...
Resiliency in a time of Pandemic
Many of our Indiana conservation partners are settling into teleworking, the challenges of setting home office boundaries with children...
CCSI Celebrates 10-Years
Join the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI) in celebrating a decade of providing soil health education across Indiana. "Soil...
National Popcorn Day
January 19th is National Popcorn Day. Pat Karst and his father farm about 700 acres in the Huntington County, Indiana area. In addition...
Warm Season Cover Crops and Grazing after Wheat or Silage (July 2018)
Warsaw, Indiana, farmer Jamie Scott strategically includes wheat in his cropping rotation to maximize cover crop growth. Because of that...
Soil Health and Water Quality (August 2018)
Putnam County Indiana farmers Mark and Phyllis Legan, along with their family, have defined stewardship as taking care of something –...
Fall Emerged Weeds and Cover Crops (September 2018)
Over the past 40+ years, Knox County Indiana Farmer Mike Brocksmith has developed skill sets critical to weed control in no-till systems....
Manures in a Soil Health System (November 2018)
Gordon Smiley farms approximately 1200 acres with his brother Jeff near Greensburg, Indiana, including a swine operation. They use a...
Soil Health Payback – Minimizing Risks and Reaping Rewards (December 2018)
Arcadia, Indiana farmer Rodney Rulon and his cousins base cropping systems changes for their 6000-acre farm on data-driven decisions....
Building on a Family Legacy (January 2019
Farming next to St. Mary’s river on the land his great, great grandfather settled in 1847, Decatur, Indiana farmer Mike Werling takes...
Do You Need Neonicotinoid Treated Seed? (March 2019)
Featuring John Tooker, Penn State Associate Professor of Entomology, this podcast focuses upon the explosion of neonicotinoid-treated...
Combating Climate and Erosion with Cover Crops (April 2019)
Weather and field conditions through Winter and Spring of 2019 have led to serious erosion problems across the Midwest. NE Indiana/NW...
Combating Climate and Erosion with Cover Crops (May 2019)
Weather and field conditions through Winter and Spring of 2019 have led to serious erosion problems across the Midwest. NE Indiana/NW...
Combating Climate and Erosion with Cover Crops (June 2019)
Scott Wohltman, Cover Crop Chair for the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) and agronomist for La Crosse Seed talks about a recent...
Weed Control on Prevent Plant Acres (July 2019)
Dr. Aaron Hager, Associate Professor at the University of Illinois specializing in weeds, discusses weed pressure on prevent plant acres....
The First-Ever Indiana Nutrient Alliance Field Day (August 2019)
Christy Wright from Corteva Agriscience, Seth Harden from The Nature Conservancy, and Indiana Farm Bureau’s Justin Schneider discuss...
Encouraging Women Landowners to Get More Involved in Conservation Conversations (September 2019)
Heather Bacher, the Indiana State Coordinator for Women4theLand, and Jen Filipiak, Midwest Regional Director for American Farmland Trust...
Mike Werling (Adams County)
Mike Werling started no-tilling and planting cover crops to reduce erosion on his 350-acre farm. He’s also reducing his nitrogen rates....
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